Press Info:
It is not really strange that you become fascinated by paintings if you grow up surrounded by
them. While his older brother successfully completed an education at both the Academy of
Arts and the Higher Institute in Antwerp, Roby discovered already after a short time at that
same Academy that not creating art but presenting it enthralled him.
He learned the trade by practicing - in all its facets. He worked as an attendant at the
Municipal Museum in Amsterdam, as a public relations staff member at the ICC in Antwerp
and as a guide at the 't Hoogt in Utrecht. He built exhibitions for inter alia the Netherlands
Institute in Paris, France, and the Museum for Contemporary Art in Bologna, Italy, advised
the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, and traveled from Sweden to Taiwan with exhibitions,
lectures and workshops. He gave lectures and ran workshops for Hoge School in Amsterdam,
the universities of Amsterdam and Madrid and the Academies of Arts of The Hague and
Groningen. He wrote about exhibitions in the newspaper "Dagblad De Stem," in the
Museumkr@nt, in Origine and other periodicals.
Recently, he acted as a guest exhibiter in Iraq, on invitation by the ministry. Currently, he
collaborates with the Fine Arts Museums of Hâ Nội and Hồ Chí
It is characteristic for Bellemans that he not just builds "normal" exhibitions. He was and is
continually trying to broaden the market. He started with exhibitions aboard the
Breskens-Vlissingen ferry boats, conceived the Children's Art Library and experimented for
years with all kinds of exhibition forms. National media, such as the VPRO, made programs
about his experimental way of working. That way of working also brought him the first
Zeeland Culture Award.
In the course of the years, many things went wrong too. You, the reader, may learn from the
mistakes of others. That is why this Handbook came into being. It is a collection of things
learned over the years. Not everyone will think about certain issues in the same way, but
knowledge becomes verifiable and transferable once it has been committed to paper. Hence,
comments and criticism are always welcome.
Among his earlier publications are "Illustrating Books for Children as a Profession" and
"Education(+) projects, Theory and Practice "
Technical data:
Title: How To Be A Successful Exhibiter, A Basic Guide
Author: Roby Bellemans
The following people contributed and advised with regard to this book:
Chapter 1: Gerrit Staal (marketing director Philips International)
Chapter 2: Jan Bartz (representative of the Nieuw-Rotterdam Insurance Company),
Willem Sleijster (head Customs Office Terneuzen)
Chapter 3 Wim Clarijs (maquette building)
Chapter 4 Muskie Engels (transport of art objects)
Illustrations: Wim Clarijs, Rene van Halderen, Roby Bellemans
Translated by: Jos van Renswoude
Publisher: Roby Bellemans Produkties
ISBN: 978-94-90355-00-5
Format: A5
Year of publication: 20011
Price: € 15,-
Netherlands: € 2,50
Europe: € 6,80
World: € 10,45
By ordering the trasfer of € 15,- + postal charges on account 3914872, BIC:
INGBNL2A, IBAN: NL90INGB0003914872 t.n.v. Roby Bellemans Produkties,
indicating the title & your name and adress. (do this also by e-mail)
Education(+) projects, Theory and Practice
ISBN 9789490355036
& "How To Be A Successful Exhibiter, A Basic Guide"ISBN 9789490355005
Price:€ 25,-
Table of Contents
How To Be A Successful Exhibiter, A Basic Guide;
ISBN 9789490355005
1. Policy & Marketing
1.1 The different ways of engaging in exhibitions
1.2 Marketing
1.3 Determining policies
1.4 Making a Policy Plan
1.5 Promotion and publicity
2. Business Aspects
2.1 The Business
2.2 Contracts and agreements
2.3 The copyright
2.4 Insurances
2.5 Cross-border exhibitions
3. The Exhibition
3.1 The concept of an exhibition
3.2 Presentation methods
3.3 The Circulation Plan
3.4 The Different Ways of Exhibiting
3.5 Replicas and Models
3.6 Lighting
3.7 Presentation Equipment
3.8 Suspension Systems
3.9 Texts
3.10 The plan of work
3.11 Budget
4. The Activities
4.1 The Intake
4.2 Framed and other work
4.3 Exhibiting in another space
4.4 The transport
4.5 During the exhibition
4.6 After the exhibition
4.7 The Archive
5. From Practice
5.1 A Study
5.2 A project as a sample card of exhibiting